Aprender francés Bilbao  08 sep 2016

Alguien se apunta a un cafe con frances en la plaza mayor?

Hi there I'm delighted with the possibility of chatting with different people using foreign languages I'm from Barakaldo but been living I'm the UK for a long time now. I need to refresh my French skills as I haven't been in contact with the language in years I studied Tourism so mastering different languages is a must for me. Obviously, I speak Spanish, (I think) and could give a hand to someone in need of some Spanish or English practice. In return, I would love to do some French, please.// Lo dicho, que me encantaria poder ayudar con el ingles o el español si hace falta, y en mi caso, yo necesitaria practicar frances; ademas, me voy a Francia en breves, asi que no es broma Ayuda, sil vous plait

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📊 593

Alioli Hi Mako, thanks for replying!That would be like okay; I-m leaving by the end of this month so at least we can stay a little bit in the meantime. Let-s me know when and where as the time approaches. Au revoir!
zaki bonjours, je m´appel zakaria je parle français, español et arabe un peu d´anglais (niveauA2), je serais tres contentes dede vous connaître
Fosi26 https://www.milanuncios.com/cursos-de-frances/busco-chica-francesa-395490890.htm?stc em-product-android-send_friend
Fosi26 https://www.milanuncios.com/cursos-de-frances/busco-chica-francesa-395490890.htm?stc em-product-android-send_friend